Collection: dōTERRA® Products for Optimal Health and Wellness

Certified pure therapeutic-grade® (CPTG®) essential oils, cutting-edge nutritional supplements and specialty products

Providing you with a new and powerful wellness alternative

Products from dōTERRA®

Essential oils have powerful therapeutic benefits and are strongly supportive of your health and wellness goals. And, with dōTERRA®, the standard for therapeutic-grade essential oils has been substantially raised. dōTERRA's goal was to bring to you the highest quality oils, in innovative products that would appeal to all people, from those who know nothing about essential oils to those who are experts in the field.

With that in mind, dōTERRA® has created a new paradigm for essential oils and oil-enhanced wellness and beauty products. When you use any of these fine products, you're providing yourself with the very best support for maintaining optimal health and a vibrant appearance.

You can find dōTERRA's list of fine products under the following groups: Single Oils, Oil Blends, Base Oils, Product Collections, including Essential Oil Kits and Supplement Sets, Dietary Supplements, Specialty Products, including Women's Health, the DigestZen line, the On Guard® line, Spa, Essentials Skin Care, Salon Essentials Hair Care, the Deep Blue® line and Accessories.

Note: While this site is under construction, a limited number of products are available here. However you can find the full line of products on the dōTERRA® website.

Give them a try. You'll be amazed at the difference you'll feel and see.

dōTERRA® Wellness Advocate. Member ID: 1135
dōTERRA® is the registered trademark of dōTERRA Holdings, LLC.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

dōTERRA® products are sold exclusively through Wellness Advocates (W.A.s) who, working from home, introduce, educate and sell dōTERRA® products locally, through person-to-person contact, and globally, through personalized web shopping sites. These are distinct from this website, which I've built myself.

As this site is under construction, a limited number of dōTERRA's oils can be purchased through this website. However, if you would like access to the full line of products and have the option to purchase products at a substantial discount — and earn points for free product — you're invited to enroll with dōTERRA®, in one of their membership programs. You can get the details here. Ordering from my Wellness Advocate Retail website, as a retail customer, is also a great idea, if you live in a state without — or with low — sales tax.