Experimenting with Essential Oils: Testing what works for you
The evolution of unlocking aromatherapy's potent potential
Many times, when people are getting acquainted with aromatherapy and therapeutic-grade essential oils, there is the tendency to freeze up and not really try the oils, for fear of doing something wrong. But, while understandable — because you are messing with potent substances — the oils really are very safe, and it’s hard to do anything really awful with them.
Although it’s foolish to assume that essential oils can’t harm you, simply because they are natural, according to Dr. David Hill of dōTERRA®, the fact that the oils work in harmony with your body’s own chemistry, rather than pushing your chemistry out-of-balance in one way or another, means that it’s hard to use them in the wrong way.
Experimentation is the key to effective use
The truth is: To unlock the full potential of the essential oils for yourself, and experience all that aromatherapy has to offer you, experimentation with the oils is an important part of the process. There is an enormous amount of research being done on the oils, but there is no way to familiarize yourself with all of them before you begin using them. For most people, a certain amount of trial and error goes into finding what works best for you.
Gary Young is probably the man most responsible for bringing the potential of aromatherapy to the attention of people around the world. When he started experimenting with essential oils in 1980, there was little existing research to support their therapeutic benefits. To unlock these hidden uses — and prove that essential oils were more than just cosmetics and flavoring — he traveled the world, studying the potent natural compounds harnessed in essential oils.
Speaking to a group of essential oil loyalists in 2009, Gary said, “What we’re learning, what I’m sharing, what I’m teaching you, has evolved out of experimentation: trying something, and if it doesn’t work, trying something different.” Continuing that thought, he said, “Try an oil; try it for three or four days. If you don’t feel a change, then go to another oil. And go to another oil. And go to another oil. Then combine two or three oils. That’s how I developed the blends. I found that by putting two or three oils together, I got a more powerful synergistic effect.”
No one was there to tell Gary which oils worked and which ones didn’t; which oils worked under what circumstances. He had to find out for himself. We now have the benefit of considerable research into the oils, but use his history to empower yourself!
When you encounter a new problem, do as much research as you can, and then start experimenting! “You cannot do anything wrong. That’s the best part,” Gary said. “Go home. Learn to use oils. Practice on your family members. Love your oils and share them.”
Just don’t allow your uncertainty to lock you out of discovering the potent potential found in essential oils.