SpleenPar™ from Energique®


Energique’s SpleenPar™ is a homeopathic remedy that supports the spleen support and immune system.  It provides temporary relief of weakness, weariness and flu-like symptoms.

1 fl oz bottle.

Energique’s SpleenPar™ contains Spleen 6x, Arsenicum album 12x, Phosphorus 12x, Phosphoricum acidum 12x, Ignatia amara 12x, Natrum muriaticum 12x, Iodium purum 12x, China sulphuricum 12x, Nitricum acidum 12x, Ceanothus americanus 12x and Carbo vegetabilis 12x.

Other ingredients: Distilled water, 20% ethanol.


**These statements are based upon traditional homeopathic practice. They have not been reviewed by the Food & Drug Administration (FDA).